Saturday, February 15, 2025

Maria (Toni) Hill


Maria (Toni) Hill, 96, passed away on March 16, 2024 after succumbing to the effects of Alzheimer's and dementia.


She was born in Spain on November 7, 1927 and grew up in Madrid during the Spanish Civil War.


Maria started dancing at an early age and would end up a professional flamenco dancer with Jose Greco’s dance troupe which led to her meeting her first husband in South Africa.  While she stopped dancing professionally after marrying and moving to America she never missed an opportunity to entertain guests with her dancing and castanet skills.


Throughout the following years she lived primarily in New Jersey and Washington state. 


After moving to Washington she initially settled in the Bellevue/Kirkland area before moving to Lake Wenatchee with her third husband.  It was during this time that she became close to the Leavenworth community and ultimately settled there after her husband passed.  She became very active in and around Leavenworth.  Volunteering with the chamber of commerce she helped with many of the events held in town.  At the local church she made quilts for the church to auction, helped work in the garden and read passages during services as a deacon.


She is survived by her two sons William and Anthony.


A memorial will be held in Leavenworth in late April/early May.