Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Dwelling Place Celebrates 20 Years and Looks Ahead


On August 28th, about 120 people gathered for an ice cream social at The Dwelling Place, a nonprofit home for five men with developmental disabilities. The ice cream was good—three delicious offerings from Whistlepunk, but that was only one reason all these folks were here.

This was a momentous celebration, as founder, Kathy Bangsund, explained, “The Dwelling Place specializes in birthdays, and today [the nonprofit] is 20 years old!” Bangsund and her husband, John, created The Dwelling Place in 2002 as an adult family home to provide lifelong care for their son, Matt, and other men like him. The five current residents, the “Five Amigos,” are beloved amongst themselves, their friends, and supporters, and are known all over town via their jobs and activities.

Everyone was also celebrating the return of the ice cream social after a five-year hiatus, due to John Bangsund’s illness and passing, followed by COVID.

Before dessert, a few speakers addressed the gathering. State Representative for the 12th District, Keith Goehner, said that The Dwelling Place is a family, different from other facilities, and that the state of Washington cannot easily understand the difference, how this home is such a great model. These men lead fulfilled and supported lives and have a positive impact on the community.

At their places of work, church and other points of contact, the Five Amigos enrich the lives around them and spread joy.

When supporter Nick Runions spoke, he asked the audience to consider their own homes, how a home needs care and upkeep and has monthly expenses. The Dwelling Place needs a new roof and an updated vehicle, and there are regular expenses such as food, transportation, yard maintenance, and the electric bill. The Dwelling Place is also a business with credentialed employees. Kathy Bangsund is retiring to become “Matt’s mom,” so staffing needs to increase.

Donors have been and continue to be critical to the sustainability of The Dwelling Place. It receives funding from the State at the Medicaid rate, which covers only half of the needed funds per month. The Five Amigos are in their 30’s and 40’s, and their core donors are aging.

With a small and nimble staff and strategically minded board, The Dwelling Place is seeking support and connection with more community members.

Those interested in donating can make one time or monthly donations (which helps build a reliable monthly budget) via the website,

Bangsund and Executive Director Amy Smith both said that the doors are open, and The Dwelling Place loves visitors, who are welcome to join in a game of “Lucky Hat” Uno. Volunteers are greatly appreciated to help with needs that vary from tasks such as wood chopping or snow shoveling to helping put on fundraising events.

Smith has been in her recently created position for a year, after previously serving as the bookkeeper, and has a background as a paraprofessional. Bangsund said Smith was ideal for the ED job because, “She knows [The Dwelling Place] top to bottom.”

For her part, Smith said she loves her job, and is proud to help take care of “our little corner of society,” along with the other staff, who are, as she said, “unbelievable.” Staffing must occur 24/7 to oversee the residence.

The ice cream social was held on the verdant back lawn of The Dwelling Place. Smith and Bangsund were grateful for the large show of support, which was evident in the numbers of people chatting with the Five Amigos, Matt, Christopher, Eric, Chris, and Alex, while enjoying the area’s finest ice cream and filling a basket with donation envelopes.

“We are overwhelmed by the generosity shown to us through our community,” said Smith.



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