Tuesday, July 2, 2024

New boundaries and new dynamics for our 12th District


The Washington State Redistricting Commission’s new boundaries for our state’s 49 legislative districts, a process completed every 10 years, will bring many new dynamics to Olympia. One of the more significant changes – due to greater growth in western Washington than eastern Washington – involves the 12th Legislative District, which now reaches over the Cascade Mountains.

Specifically, the new boundary for the 12th District includes East Wenatchee, Chelan County, and portions of Snohomish County (Index to Monroe) and King County (North Bend to Duvall). Of similar importance for North Central Washington are the adjustments to the 7th District, which now includes most of Douglas County and reaches into many unincorporated areas near East Wenatchee.

Just as the 12th District legislators will be working hard to represent new constituents across the Cascades, the 7th District legislators will be challenged by serving the largest geographic district in the state. If you find it odd for me to be mentioning issues involving Monroe, Carnation, and North Bend, some of you will also hear about projects in Ferry, Stevens, and Pend Oreille counties. Believe me, we did not draw these new boundaries – the Redistricting Commission did.

As I continue to reach out to the new areas of the 12th District, I find myself reflecting on my service philosophy and trying to explain it to others. One thing that often surprises people when they first meet me is when I tell them that I’m not very political. This seems a bit odd given my position, but the reality is that I view myself as a public servant and not a politician. As such, my office works diligently with both parties to reach the best outcomes for the people of the 12th district.

My office staff and I emphasize being good listeners, able facilitators, and helpful advocates. We prioritize excellent customer service to you above all else. Here is the best way for me to share my public service commitment to you. As your State Senator, I will continue to:

  • Demonstrate a responsible use of tax dollars
  • Continually focus on serving constituents
  • Stay open-minded about issues before me
  • Be a good listener and respect differences
  • Answer questions directly and honestly
  • Be a good communicator by sharing facts
  • Always put public service before politics

I pride myself in being responsive and accessible to you and look forward to continuing to serve as your State Senator. Despite the adjusted boundaries or changes at the Capitol, please know that my position exists to serve you. Please contact me anytime with questions or concerns. If you would like to follow my legislative activities, visit me at senatorbradhawkins.org. Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your State Senator!

Brad Hawkins is the State Senator for the 12th District.



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