Saturday, June 29, 2024

Local author Rachael Lundin to launch debut novel “Serenade of the Sasquatch”

“Serenade of the Sasquatch” is a young adult novel based in Leavenworth.
“Serenade of the Sasquatch” is a young adult novel based in Leavenworth.

LEAVENWORTH – Local author Rachael Lundin will be debuting her first published novel, “Serenade of the Sasquatch,” at A Book For All Seasons on June 29.

The young adult novel takes place in Leavenworth, and follows two teenagers who have a chance encounter with a Sasquatch on his own quest to understand humans. As they research their findings, they discover a mysterious man in an abandoned cabin, and stumble upon a missing person’s cold case. Through adventure and mystery, the book explores friendship and facing life’s challenges.

“The more subtle message is that sometimes things are not in our control, and we have to have a little bit of faith in something bigger than ourselves to help us through,” said Lundin.

The book was inspired by Lundin’s children, nieces, and nephews, who were at the age of the book’s characters when she began writing it. Plus, growing up in Leavenworth for part of her childhood instilled a lifelong fascination with Bigfoot.

“It's just very easy to imagine. Anybody who's got some imagination at all can just picture a Bigfoot hanging out around there,” said Lundin.

Lundin started writing “Serenade of the Sasquatch” back in 2005, during National Novel Writing Month, which challenges writers to write 50,000 words of a novel in thirty days. During that month, Lundin connected with an employee of A Book For All Seasons who was also participating.

“Just coming into the bookstore and having those conversations, and checking in like, ‘How's your novel going?’ and stuff like that, was really fun. And then now, it's turned into something published, and that feels very full circle. It’s lovely,” said Lundin.

After that month, Lundin continued with her idea, writing and conducting research on Bigfoot, which was her favorite part. She attended Bigfoot conferences, and even went on a research trip with Idaho State University professor and author of “Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science,” Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum. Lundin would eventually complete the book, make adjustments, and send it off to publishers. She would receive good feedback, but no bites.

“[It was] stuff like, ‘This is well written, but it's not the right time,’ or “We're not the right fit,’...So then I would put it aside and pick it back up and work on it some more, and then try again and then give up again,” said Lundin.

Eventually, Lundin met a publisher selling books at the International Bigfoot Conference, and told her about her book. The publisher told Lundin they didn’t publish young adult books, but she would read it. 

“She looked at it, she gave me feedback, and then I didn't hear from her again for another five, six years. Then I got an email from her out of the blue, and it just said, ‘I don't know if you remember me, but we are now publishing young adult books, and I cannot get your story out of my head. I would like to take another look at it,’” said Lundin.

Nearly two decades later, Lundin’s first novel was published, and is the first book a a four-part series called The Chorus Chronicles. Lundin is currently putting the finishing touches on the next book in the series, “Music of the Mermaid.”

“Keep writing, I feel like that's kind of obvious. Keep researching and asking questions. I feel like that's been the biggest driver for me. It's just asking questions. What if? Why? How come? Over and over and over again, and then answer your questions. That’s when the writing comes,” said Lundin.

Lundin will be signing copies of “Serenade of the Sasquatch” during her book launch at A Book For All Seasons at 1 p.m. on June 29.

Taylor Caldwell: 509-433-7276 or


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