Saturday, June 29, 2024

Colville Tribes purchase 11 acres near Cashmere


NESPELEM — The Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation announced the acquisition of 11.08 acres of land in traditional Wenatchi territory, marking a step toward reclaiming ancestral grounds.

The property, located near Cashmere, borders the Wenatchee River and offers potential for preservation and development to serve the Wenatchi people in their aboriginal homeland.

The Chairman of the Colville Confederated Tribes, Jarred-Michael Erickson, said, “The
Colville Tribes is always excited to restore to our people ownership of lands their
ancestors walked. Today we were able to reclaim a piece of the ancestral Wenatchi
grounds. We hope that the Wenatchi will enjoy this land for many generations to come,
and we will continue to restore all of our confederated tribes to their homelands.”

While specific plans for the land have not been determined, officials noted its river access could make it valuable for salmon fishing, a culturally significant practice for the tribe.

The Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation comprises descendants from 12 aboriginal tribes, including the Wenatchi. With over 9,200 enrolled members, the confederation continues efforts to reconnect its people with their traditional territories.


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