Saturday, July 27, 2024

Chelan County Sheriff Mike Morrison’s response to the WA Crime Report


To Whom It May Concern:

As Sheriff of Chelan County, I want to express my disappointment and concern after reviewing the information provided by the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC) in regard to crime rates across Washington. It is disheartening to see such a rise in murders, violent crimes, and property crimes, which directly impact the safety and well-being of all communities to include ours.

What adds to the frustration is the fact Washington State currently ranks 51st out of the 50 States and the District of Columbia when it comes to the number of officers per thousand residents. This statistic is simply unacceptable. Law Enforcement cannot effectively combat crime and ensure public safety without an adequate number of officers.

It is further concerning to know while crime rates have decreased in many parts of the United States, they continue to rise here in Washington State. We must address these issues head-on and make it a priority to reverse these trends. The safety of our citizens should never be compromised, and we cannot allow Washington State to become a haven for criminals.

Rest assured, with the resources entrusted to us, Chelan County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO) will remain a steadfast ally to all of its citizens in the pursuit of safety. We will remain an unwavering adversary to those who would threaten the well-being of our community and want it to be known our commitment to service is resolute. We will proceed to work tirelessly to establish a society where safety, justice, and security are ensured for all.

Together, with the support and cooperation of our community, we can overcome these challenges and build a safer future. Let us stand united in our determination to combat crime and create an environment where every individual can thrive without fear. All CCSO Deputies remain committed in upholding the agencies motto of being “OF THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE”.


Mike Morrison, Chelan County Sheriff


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