Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Cascade Medical Earns Pediatric Immunization Award


The Health Plan Partnership, a cooperative alliance of the WA Department of Health, Health Care Authority, and all the major health care plans in Washington, announced the 2022 Immunize Washington Provider Recognition Awards, and Cascade Medical was included.

The Health Plan Partnership awarded Cascade Medical with a Bronze Award in their Immunize Washington Awards for ensuring that 95% of 24–35-month-old babies that were empaneled patients with CM were successfully immunized for the following: Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR), hepatitis B, chicken pox, pneumococcal, and Hib disease.

“This was a yearlong effort that included so many here at Cascade Medical. It was absolutely a team effort,” said MAC & Immunization Management Coordinator Selma Diaz Del Angel. “Since the pandemic began, there has been an overall decrease in immunizations not just in our community, but statewide. I wanted to make sure we were able to turn that around.”

How did Selma and her coworkers achieve that? Partnership, hard work, and baby steps. “I want to thank our Clinic Director Whitney Lak, who made sure I could set aside some time to talk to the state Department of Health and do some research on how to increase our immunization rate. That led me to some subject matter experts in the state who could really go deep on specific things we could do to make sure all who could get immunized, did.”

After initial work started last winter, clinic staff met for a “progress report” to see what changes in workflow were working, and what needed more fine-tuning. Clinic Director Whitney Lak said she was impressed with Selma and her teammates’ consistent effort: “It’s one thing to get excited about making a change initially, but it’s another when you see a group committed to consistent improvement over a period of months. These efforts are going to have a direct impact on the health of the youngest folks we serve, and I know they’re not done yet. I’m so proud of their hard work.”

Diaz Del Angel agrees: “A 95 percent immunization rate is something for us to be proud of for sure, but there is more to be done. All our staff is going to meet this month to go over additional strategies and improvements so we can get even closer to 100% immunization.”   



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