Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Attorney General Bob Ferguson joins Rotary Club for lunch


    Attorney General Bob Ferguson came to speak at  the Leavenworth Rotary club meeting on January 18 at Kristall's.
    Over plates of cobb salad, bowls of clam chowder and glasses of iced tea, Ferguson explained what his job pertains of, how it effects the people of Washington state and even gave a few examples of particular lawsuits and issues he's passionate about pursuing.
    "We're the law firm for the state of Washington. And by the state I mean every state board, commission, agency, legislature, state wide officials, the governor. We give them legal advice but the clients chose what they want to do," said Ferguson. "The second part of our work is directly on behalf of the people in the state of Washington."
    He gave some specific examples as to what he's worked on for the people of Washington State such as a particular lawsuit regarding the Consumer Protection Act and his plans for pill limits to combat the opioid epidemic.
    "Many states have adopted pill limits if your young adult 'child' goes in to get their wisdom teeth pulled out. Many states say their should be pill limits on how many opioids you can give that person," said Ferguson. "There are no pill limits in Washington. I proposed legislation to change that and we're finally getting some movement on that."
    Ferguson encouraged questions, regardless of where rotary members fell on the political spectrum. Some members voiced questions that were more large scale whereas some were focused on individual issues that personally held a connection. Such as one gentleman asked about offering legal advice to Seattle whereas another asked about his own personal health insurance more than doubling over the course of only a few years. Regardless, Ferguson emphasized that his political views wouldn't be a wedge between honesty and the answers he's able to provide.
    Ferguson has added the task of visiting every rotary club in Washington state to his long to-do list to tackle. The Leavenworth Rotary Club was his 109th one to visit yet.


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